Ìyá Omiladé Service Offerings

Ìyá Omiladé has been initiated to the Òrìşà Yemọja for 18 years and has dedicated her study and training to facilitate the innate healing power of others through invocation, divination and water working with spiritual herbal baths and cleanings. 

Please browse our offerings below.

Merindilogun Divination

Spiritual Consultation

16-cowrie divination offers a broader lens to the way forward in life. Divination can illuminate where we are in relation to our unique destiny. 
Sessions are typically an hour.

Ori Washing

Head Washing

Our Ori, head, is the seat of our consciousness and deserves constant care and attention. An Ori washing clears the head of confusion and heat, provides a cooling allowing us to see our options more clearly. 

Spiritual Baths

Herbal Baths

Combining the life giving essence of water and the healing power of herbs, spiritual baths are uniquely tailored to address a number of issues. Each bath is personalized specifically for you and your energy. 

River Cleaning

Out in Nature

This private session will take place at a serene river setting where we utilize the inherent power of the rivers healing waters and natural environment ushering you to relax and release. Nature allows us to be in a space of complete restoration being absent of the chatter, noise, distraction, expectations and labels. She accepts us just as we are. 
This session includes journaling exercise. 

(Photo: Mark Anthony Photography)

Spiritual Space Cleaning

Clearing spaces of negativity

The energy that accumulates in our spaces is often overlooked but can affect our mood, energy, feelings, productivity and sleeping patterns. Whether it is your home or personal business, a space cleaning is an effective way to clear the air on an energetic level. and set the tone for new beginnings. 

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